Very Moment · Early Spring: 7s Art Tea Ceremony and Wagashi-Making Workshop


Very Moment · Early Spring: 7s Art Tea Ceremony and Wagashi-Making Workshop


The early spring arrives in February! We welcome you to join our upcoming tea ceremony and wagashi-making workshop on Feb 18

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「一期一会-Very Moment」 is the theme of this event. 「和敬清寂 He Jing Qing Ji」 and 「风月花鸟 Feng Yue Hua Niao」 are the experiences we are committed to bringing to you during this special event.

The theme - Very Moment, suggests cherishing the time at this moment. In the tea ceremony, it also means that the tea host will treat every guest sincerely and courteously with the mood of “cherishing a rare moment”. He Jing Qing Ji corresponds to the harmony and sense of ritual in the tea ceremony.

7s Art Feng Jun (Jin Jun Mei) and 7s Art Ya Xian (Wuyi Rock Tea· Shui Xian) are the teas to taste this time. The event will combine the fun of wagashi-making with the ritual feeling of tea tasting.

Feng Yue Hua Niao reflects the relationship between wagashi-making and seasons, such as cherry blossoms in spring, lotus in summer, maples in autumn, and snow in winter.

In line with the current season, we will make two wagashi – “Spring Bird” and “Camellia”, with mango and rose flavors, respectively. In addition, because it is the first event of the New Year, we will include a special session on writing the Chinese character 「福」 Fu, which means good fortune. Everyone can choose a style to write the character and take it home when you are finished.

7s Art will infuse its unique aesthetics inherited from the Chinese scholars' tradition into all aspects of the event—from the spatial and chaxi (tea stage/theater) arrangement to the selection and preparation of teas and desserts, as well as the tea gathering procedure. We will present to New York's tea lovers a delicate experience of taste and aesthetics to allow the guests to feel the essence of the summer.


Wagashi-making: Xinxin He

Tea Ceremony: Kevin Ge



Feb 18, 2024

Session 1

10:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

Session 2

1:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.


7S Art labo

36 E Broadway, 2nd FL

New York, NY 10002





Seats are limited, please RSVP


  1. To ensure the best experience for all guests, please arrive 15 minutes before the tea gathering.

  2. To facilitate tasting, please don't wear perfume.

  3. Please keep your phone in silent mode during the tea ceremony and off the tea table. No photos allowed.

  4. All sales are final. If we have to cancel the tea gathering due to unprecedented reasons, it will be rescheduled upon further notice.